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Friday 9 December 2011

secret diary of a call girl .

Throughout  the clip i have noticed many different forms of media in which the characters represent who they are .At the beginning of the clip ,the girl seemed as though she was very confident as she opened the door for the man and and his disabled son ,he in turn was very nervous as he made his dad rather uncomfortable with the situation .There was light music playing and some heavy breathing from the boy ,this tells us that he knows what is to come later on in the clip.The editing in the film is that the scenes move from one shot ,to another ,either showing what is happening in each sequence .

further into the clip the girl attempts to make him more comfortable with being were he is,the boys dad lay him on the bed as they both slightly panicked at the situation.We notice various different camera positions from the two people and the lighting .the close up on the boy as he was on the bed shows intimacy of the two characters ,also from the close up of the camera the angle was from a low point of view which tells us that the women obviously sees the boy differently .

We see disability represented through various ways in the clip but the most viewed is through lighting and camera shots ,when  the call girl was standing alone after letting the boys dad out ,she stood still for a moment as the light shone on her skin almost like a halo,after this shot,we see the boy looking quiet confused and worried.this could also relate to the fact that he is a probably unconfined person and isn't comfortable with intimacy .

One of the things that were recognised through the clip was the fact that there was a strong presence of various camera shots when the women came to sit with the boy to ask him how he was with the situation .back when the dad was helping the boy get off the wheel chair ,this kind of treatment told us how disabled people get treated .He seemed almost child like as he practically expected his dad to help him .

Further on to the clip we noticed how the call girl physically tries  to touch the boy gently .The camera again ,is from a high angle which tells us that he is seen as a much younger boy ,and that because he is disabled ,he is in the low angle perspective .This is common when watching clips of disabled people because it shows how are represented in shows just like the secret diary of a call girl ,the boy seemed very shy and vulnerable  we viewed this by the various camera shots that show us whom appears in a certain way.

Monday 28 November 2011

essay on hotel Babylon

In the clip i have watched ,i have noticed many media language being presented in the way that the characters displayed there attitudes and personas .The clip is loosely based on the world of a luxury hotel life ,and how all the characters are made to form into different multi-strand narrative .Throughout the clip,i noticed the camera work were all medium shots.This told us that all the characters were equal in terms of there mischief ,it also told us that they all had some hidden agenda,this gives us an idea about the sort of clip we were watching.

Further more i noticed that camera shots were first on the important people in the play and then on the characters that were being followed .I also noticed the mise en scene in the film,when there was a stereotypical black man in the beginning ,he was talking to one of the workers in the play ,and the fact that there were two women (french) taking there clothes off in front of a woman ,this suggest to us that these are the stereotyped characters  in the  clip and they are based on what is typically known of those sort of people,like for french women their known as very raunchy and black men typically known as 'ghetto' although these are just stereotypes ,they are completely not true.

More over there are also a lot of other mise en scene to show the ethnicity and how it is labeled in this clip,like when the Italian man was cooking,he seemed very angry and agitated , however when the (boss) came in the started acting like the were friend when the two chef were fighting ,the point of him being chosen as a chef,also told us the stereotypes that people have based on ethnicity .

Upon other things seen in the clip were sound.There was  a lot of music at one points and it seemed all round a quiet background,however when the two french lady were dancing to 'lady marmalade' it told us that there are also a lot of connection to their meaning.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Blackpool analysis

throughout the film,i have noticed key aspects that tell us what type of media language is represented in the the start of the first scene ,we see the camera coming into middle view,showing a symmetrical house ,this includes the furniture and the position were the man and women were both sitting .The music at the background was tension filled,and overall quiet average .the fact that their house was quiet all the same length and size told us that they like to keep things very to the state of perfection,and the fact that the house looked quiet old ,like the 80s style ,told us some what of there age ;also the way they held themselves (for mature and grown) also told us that they were quiet old .

As the camera moved to where the husband was,this is what i recognized as the first protagonist identification,i noted that because he was the first one that the camera turned to ,he was the main focus of that scene .This scene is centered around a daughter coming to introduce her parents to her much older boyfriend ;the camera consistently closes up on the husbands facial reactions as the boyfriend of the daughter comes in and meets the parents .

the reaction to this is shown by the intensive music and the way that the camera goes to the father then the boyfriend then the father again .This tells us the reaction formed from what the husband has seen the boyfriend .The close ups were regularly followed medium shots ,and this indicated to us that there was a lot of concentration within what sort of facial expressions were taking place within the limited conversation .

Part of the mise en scene was when the daughter got defensive of when her boyfriend was being practically interrogated by her father,the mother however was a bit on the soft side agreeing with things and laughing ,however because of the close up on the facial expression of the father ,i noticed that he didn't seem to happy with his daughters choice in men .

following up ,when the daughter made an excuse to that her boyfriend and her had to tend to something,it allowed us to also see that the couple both got uncomfortable ,when they had left then viewed the husband undressing in his bedroom with his wife in the bedroom also ,she seemed to not be effected by the cause of what happened early ,however the husband noticeably was .The lighting was dim and yellowish ,and again we saw the symmetrical the bedroom was shaped .I viewed it as giving the clip an old 90s /80s effect which then told us that the husband and wife were very old fashionable people ,and the fact that they where also wearing bright and patterned clothes ,and the daughter was wearing smart and more or less suitable clothes for someone whom was on there way to a meeting,told us that the parents probably tried to appear younger than they were and the daughter more older since she is with a much older man . 

Tuesday 22 November 2011


The first scene opens up in the forest the camera is taken wound the scenery and then  (long shot /medium to malece,were malece is kneeling down ,his hair frazzled and his shirt torn .He is holding a piece of paper (a poem ) in which he reads out slowly to himself 

MALECE  :release from thee souls conture,do i deny the faults in this earth,from midnight ive plagued all heat,from a sorrow i'll never retreat.
after this the scene then shifts slowly so that we then see the background of the area (which area the trees and the forest ) then it slowly shifts nala and she is sitting next

the dialog closes

eithan : hey ,nala come here ,your a bit slooow today .
jules :yh !

Friday 18 November 2011

primeval notes

throughout the clip of primeval i identified there being a lot of non-verbal and verbal techniques being at use .one of the main clips that i aw this being uded ,was when the man (main protagonist )was being chased by a saber tooth lion .The gestures for this were the running and falling,could suggest he was hopeless and i need for help.this is were the women that aids him comes into the clip ,she holds the main role of the rescuer as she gets on to the truck to chase the saber tooth lion away .

the gender roles were reversed in this scne because its normally the girl that is hopeless and is mainly the damsel in distress ,and the man is usually the one to save her .however this clip that we viewed was some how different .at the begining of the clip,we saw a mna and women having some sort of an arguement.the women seemed to be angry and emotional and the man avengful,this goes back to the stereotypical way that men and women are represented in action films most of the time .

further into the clip we viewed a women shouting at a man to 'do something' and the other man with the gun  his hand ,the women was then thrown on to the ground was being over powered by him .

Friday 11 November 2011

home study :characters in my film

For my film i have specifically chosen the charcaters and there personalities to fit well with unstereotypical way charcaters are chosen .i have noticed that most leading women in teen romance /paranormal romance films are very typical ,(the girl is shy ,quiet and unknowing) however my chracters that me and my group have decided upon ,have something more different about .

Malece : He is confident yet ,private person he is also mysterious and luring and this in change makes the charcater in the film seem as interesting to all the other girls at Nala's highschool .Although  her highschool isnt the main centre of the film ,it has very big inpact on how the charcaters are all seen in there tribunal surroundings in typical highschool.
I feel that Malece's character is not in steriotyped group in society ,he is more of an (alone person) since being awoken he is mainly concerned with helping Nala see the extenct of her gift ,and how they are linked together through history.
In the film the poetry read between Nala and Malece is an iconic part of the film as the first two minuets of the film contain it .Nala ,as first explained is prophetess ,whom can write poetry ,that has meanings to awaken Malece ,of his 5000 year sleep ,he was present in 47BC ,when cleaopatra reigned in eygpt ,the year of spirits dynasty .

He is a spirit of night ,and this alone spepretaes him from the rest of world ,the quote i made for his descriptian ,is  'an anceint man ,in a mordern world '.

my next main charcter in te film is Nala ,she is not very generalistic ,and she only sticks with her friends which are too,not in any form ,a highschool tribe .i chose this to be a main point in the film because i dont want the charcaters to be too typical .she writes poetry ,evrey fort night ,and this reveals to her more and more secrets about Malece and how he came to be ,she finds that she is connected to him through a long line of history ,she was realted to cleaopatra because her family somehow was passed down from her.they share some similar traits .

< This is an example of a group of teenagers ,they usaully hang around with each other as the 'computer geeks ', nala and her friends do not fit in to a 'named group' in highschool .they are just three friends and the reason why i have does this is because i wanted to drift away from what people normally see in films .

Monday 7 November 2011

three films we have watched :analysis NOT FINISHED

In the film 'Children of men ' is based in the year 2027 in a chaotic world in which women cannot have children .a former activist helps to get a pregnant women  across so that scientist can help solve the current problematic world .at the beginning of the film we hear a news flash telling the people that were huddled in the cafe about the youngest human on earth whom was 18 years ,had died .this was the enigma of the film because it allowed us a limited amount of information ,to prepare us for what was about to happen .this creates suspense in a film and allows us to think up what exactly could be happening in the film ,it creates interest in a film of this genre keeps viewers watching for what happens .

The man seemed to be the protagonist ,as he was the person that the camera was following .he is then followed by the camera outside ,there is an equilibrium of the film was when he walked the man walked out of the cafe and then we hear a bomb .The effect of having an equilibrium was so that the final product of the calmness keeps the audience unknowing to what is happening .

The second filmed ,is about many troops talking about the massacre wear 24 Iraq people were killed by USA troops .In the beginning of the film there is the equilibrium ,the harmony at the at scene were the screen is first black and then shifts to the troops talking about there views on what there fighting the war for .I feel that the film was a multi strand narrative because the story's of different people were being told in one .there was no protagonist in this as there is no main leader of events that the camera follows .
the mise en scene of the film was the fact that all we saw were the what each man was telling us ,a version of there own collected thoughts of the war in Iraq.

The third film is called 'The dark night ' and this film starts off with a bank robbery ,two men  

Monday 31 October 2011


Submarine is a coming of age drama about a 15 year old Swansea boy in 1986 who is convinced that he is an unrivaled genius who is widely loved by his class mates ,when in fact he is pretentious and socially alienated .He is in love with a mischievous but straight -talking girl named Jordana in his year ,and goes as far as bullying an overweight class weight to impress her.One day she invites him to meet secretly after school ,instructing him to bring a Polaroid camera and a diary . 

camera shots in the movie :

the film consisted of various different camera position ,such as the parts in the film when (jordona and Oliver ) would be together the screen at times would be blue for a moment and then  it would appear that the scene would turn to its original picture .This has a unique effect .some parts of the movie are shot i very different ways ,like there would be shots angles from the sky when Oliver would be at the beach or some really close up shots when Oliver and Jordana  would be riding on the bike together .

the soundtrack to the movie makes the whole scenery and what it is ,the variety of tones in song fit very well with the mood of the film ,light humor .this is very important when trying to give a movie the right views .the music on a film is like its base ,were all expressions and thoughts are imagined through what the music is .for instance the artic monkeys on the soundtrack gave the movie a more  modern feel even though it was set in the 1980s .

overall i think the movie was a great example of well established wit and the way in which life was perceived by one 15 year old boy from Swansea.

Monday 3 October 2011


in the last lesson ,lightings of camera were used very often ,this helped the focuses on the faical expressions of the actors and actress .it puts more enphasis on the movements of them.there are many different lighting techniques used in movies ,the ones we used in the lesson were natural light and close up shot lighting ect...we used these to create different effects of the camera and the position of the subject in the lighting .this is very important ,it gives an eerie room a more animated look to a suitable effect.

lighting is sometimes used to put emphasis  on a particular text or object,this is mainly the bases for camera work .in the work I did in class we put emphasis on the subjects facial expressions ,we did also took a long shot with the lighting coming from above .this put a dark shadow upon the side of the face ,this type of camera work is used when horror or mystery films are made ,this also brings up one of the many importance of lighting in film production .

following up ,we also viewed the significance of health and safety hazards when using lighting ,it could heat up very quickly and eyes may be damaged if held direct into the eyes for very long it .

Monday 26 September 2011

characters in the film

this is Jules ,Nala's second best friend ,she is the nonchalant laid back rocker chick who constantly loves to debate about music and who gives Nala guidance and familiarity since they were childhood friends .