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Monday 28 January 2013

  • White was the majority ethnic group at 48.2 million in 2011 (86.0 per cent). Within this ethnic group, White British1 was the largest group at 45.1 million (80.5 per cent).
  • The White ethnic group accounted for 86.0 per cent of the usual resident population in 2011, a decrease from 91.3 per cent in 2001 and 94.1 per cent in 1991. 
  • White British and White Irish decreased between 2001 and 2011. The remaining ethnic groups increased, Any Other White background had the largest increase of 1.1 million (1.8 percentage points).
  • Across the English regions and Wales, London was the most ethnically diverse area, and Wales the least.
  • 91.0 per cent of the usual resident population identified with at least one UK national identity (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, and British) in 2011.

For the reason we watch Downton is to seek solace in a glorious past while trying to cope with the crises of the present. The kindly Crawley family and their beloved servants settle our nerves. Their fiction reassures us, drawing us to a time when life was simple – when, give or take the odd exception, people accepted their place in society, and when our isles were homogeneous and hermetically sealed, as one Lord Fellowes of West Stafford would have us believe.

Downton may be a presentation of British past however they tend ignore the fact that black people were also part of that history was rarely mentioned ,most of the time we view the white upper class people as or main view of how British society is .

Applicants for British citizenship will be expected to study a new book called Life in the UK, which goes on sale on Monday. Read a sample of its first chapter on the 'values and principles' of the UK

This tells us a lot bout how Britain prides itself on the vast knowledge they can provide.