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Tuesday 19 June 2012

The questions :)

My first choice would be to do a film trailor because i feel that i have experience in that since i do some film trailor s of my own for fun  in the past.I have alot  of ideas on what i should for a film trailor and many other creative aspects i'd like to put forth.

film trailors like this would be more similiar to what approach my film trailor would take
This is one of my favourite short films and i think that most if not all of my style of potential film making is captured within this film trailor.If i were to make a film trailor it would be be more similiar to this one as its more alluring and questioning which i like alot

The next film trailor is my the same director, Spike Jones and as you can see most of his  particular 'arthouse' genre is captured here .Alos if i were to do a film trailor i would do one like this because i feel that it captures alot of atmospheric moments within one minuet and so i think that this director would be very very similiar to something i would do.

If i were to do a music video as my second choice i would go along the lines of something this
This is a dance based video which i think is very ecentric and alluring because it captures the essence of what dance should be, and if i were to do a music video it would be somehwere along these lines .

This would be the music that i would love to use within the music video because it really channels the imagination that i have to a music video.this music is very different and not what most would listen to but it does have alot to offer in terms of imagination because there is alot of things you could think up for this , i personlly would do a contempary dance routine in the forest with a lead singer .

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