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Tuesday 11 September 2012

Preparations for media project

Teenage obsession: trailer

The concept of my media project (film) has been looked over many times and over the summer of began thinking about the ways in which i will make this project much more different than the last.

As i am now planning on working alone my film isn't going to be too extravagant or  too unrealistic as were my previous ideas before.My film idea is about ideology that is seen in many institutions and aspects of life and this theme is horror.
In many ways horror can be defined, i have valued that this type of genre is challenging as comedy, because 

some people may find the film funny or not.As with horror there may be some viewers of the trailer would find it scary and some that would find the trailer mild .

My film trailer creates many dynamics through the different sorts of ways it can pull the sudience into an intriuging and promising storline and this will be acheived through the various other technique features such as lighting, camera angles and sound.

Film idea (short)
I believe that shortly summariesing a storyline for a trailor is very helpful because it allows both the creater and the viewer gather some understanding of what is going on .

My story is about a young girl in year 10,She has the trusty group of friends and a very seemingly comfortable life, however the story takes a horrid turn as this young school girl isnt what she has made everyone believe .She is mentally unstable and is a serial killer outside of school , wearing a mask to hide her identity so that she remains to be seen as (innocent) the story revolves around the mystery that surrounds her and when or whether anyone will truely find out who she is .This movie has a cold drifty and errie sense to it and it fits the mood perfectly as i want the audience to feel on edge and unsafe as though they were in her friends position .
As i am i very big fan of murder mysteries, i think i will enjoy this because it's my area of interest and from watching alot of trailers in this notion, i can safely say that this trailer will be different from others.

While creating the film i am planning on getting some crops for the main actress to make the trailer seem more and more believable and then forth making it more enjoyable and scary to watch.

More over, i am planning on filming part of the trailer in the this school and in the woods ( to show the dark and deeper side of this teenage girls obsession .Ths will also help me because i wont have much trouble with location and it would be more easier on me in terms of getting some larger equipment half way across the school.

at the beginging of the trailer i am going to show a blackout , and the  a slow fade in  of the girl with her friends having fun and it will evedently seem as though the main character is very liked amongst her friends.After that i am going to show the main girl Jean, looking looking at a dirty mirror and she has blood on her hands, her friend walks in and she gets shocked but Jean reassures her that it's only a cut.As the girl goes out of the bathroom, Jean looks at the knife with a crazy look and hides it in her bag.Further on , the story leads on to to jean running in the woods with a mask and a hoody and she captures one girl and stabs her violently, she trags the body to the side.After, Jean looks at her phone and she seems to be late for something, her friends day out, she rushes and doesnt notice what she is wearing, she heads out and meets them and seems almost transformed into a fun normal girl .Jean is then seen in clipits pacing back and forth around her place wear she hides all the murder victims , she has pictures all of the wall of each one of them, her one captive thats sitting in the chair hands tied asks why are you doing this, and Jean says 'because there my friends and no one will get in between them !" the camera rolls on to the victim and she screams and the camera comes into her mouth almost like a black hole .

1 comment:

  1. www clearly you have considered this carefully and put a lot of thought into the idea. There are the beginnings of development but you will need to turn this into something clearly storyboarded and shot listed.

    ebi There is a significant risk with your project that you are not clear about the genre and its conventions - is it murder mystery or horror? You must be clear about this in order to be successful.

    NB. notes from the Exam board - chief moderator - Horror trailers were on the whole less successfully achieved than other genres and often all into the same traps, too reliant on inter-titles and caught between being a short version of the film and an advert.
