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Friday 23 September 2011

questions and answers

how is a film made ?who is involved ?

when producing a film ,one of the main things that are involved in the introductory is screenwritting .this is the creative part of the film because you are involved in the plot of the film and how the setting is ,the audience that is going to be targeted and also the contract sighning .these are the first stages of development ."Screenwriting is the toughest craft, and when you write well, when you can create a good story, peopled with good characters that truly relate to each other, that evoke tears or laughter that is human and durable, then you can write your own ticket."
in creating the a film there is actors and actresses included ,they help the visial and audial aspects of the film so that,when the plot and  script is created those actors and actresses can bring it to life .there is also the sound editors,produces and casting productions included .They all contribute to the major imortance of the out come and look of the film .

directing :

the director shapes the vision and look of the film ,they direct the actors and stage exactly what the would want the film to sound ,feel and look like .the director is kind of like the eyes of the a movie if the directoir is good and knows what he is doing the movies are more likely to produce well .their are responsable for overseeing the creative aspects of a film under the film producor ,they are also responsible for turning the script in to sequences of scene shots .however ,differnet dirrectors have unsimilar was of directing ,thats what makes films more different and contrasted .

what comes first script or finance ?

i think that finance comes first ,becaused all the time of creating a movie and plotting an extravgenca would be wasted if the money to make it would not be dealt with .

how can casting help to get the film made ?
without casting ,actors and actresses wouldnt be produced and the films visial aspect would not be put into picture .it all depends on the visial aspect,what type of film is it also depends on the casting and finding the right actor or actress to play that certain charactor .

where do ideas of films come from ?

A film is like pyramid ,its starting point,its spark is the idea.A movie cannot be officially put to practice without its main idea for it .Ideas come from the script /plot writters .They come up with the idea by simple inspiration ,by seeing something in the myst of a moment or by inspiration of everyday life .The idea is the starting point to the creation of the film ,it helps the film to have a base for what kind of picture would wanted to be produced .

how does a film reach its audience ?

films reach out to the audience by familiarity ,by giving tye viewers domething to relate to in terms of how they want the films to be pictured by everyone .How does it effect the people in the aimed way ?film sare only grasped by everyone and recognized if it has the ultimate ability to make people look deeper then visial concept its self ,hidding meanings and influenctial sayings .The film always sets a bases for how the film is going to want to be ;small ,big or international.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent application to the task. WELL DONE!

    www - you have looked to find answers to the questions and this has given you the opportunity to research into Film Production which is both valuable for the Foundation Portfolio and vital for the case study. You have also clearly expressed some strong personal opinions which shows your intent.

    ebi - some of the writing is difficult to read so watch out for this. Use the questions to go further with research. Maybe explore what others might think about the role of the director for example: what do well know directors think the job entails? find quotations from them.
