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Monday 26 November 2012

what i will be doing for my ancillary product:

I will be doing a film poster and a magazine cover :
I have currently made some preparations for these two products i have planned for them as well and have looked at various different feature films that have put there film product into these ancillary products .
i have also looked at the film the roommate and the unborn to get the feel of what sort of product style my teaser trailer should have.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Im going to work on the lighting for my trailer in some scenes and work on my ancillary product.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Ancillary product

Teenage obsession 

My presentation Black history

Tuesday 2 October 2012

hm black history on comedy and romance and musicals.

how do the dominant representation of teenager reflect there collective identify ?
British teens presented in a good way?

I don't believe that teenagers are presented in a good way because of the fact that when i was searching for good things, it was very limited.
Teenagers are often seen as reckless and often seen as irresponsible .Regularly we view examples of some teenagers being involved in stabbings and countless numbers of teen pregnancy  being on the rise.

However these teenagers are seen as more educationally aware and more focused on there future instead of street crime and rebellious ways.I believe that is is somewhat the reality of most teens but the news tends to lean towards the bad side of teen life and so changing the collective identity.

The dominant representations are usually the fact that the older generation think of teenagers as uncontrollable and so they just assume that all news should be based on that on characterization of teenagers as a whole.More over the whole notion of collective identity is moronically based on the fact that teenagers have been given a particular persona that they have been given by the media as childish and out of control.How could we as a society ever progress if teenagers aren't actually seen as responsible beings.In contrary, the way some teenagers act today he news  is partly due to the fact that some group of teens do the stabbing were here on tv and some are the cause of the commotion we hear on the news.

The collective identity of teens are seen through the way the media portrays them as delinquents, even on British shows like Waterloo road and skins, teens are repeatedly viewed as unsteady, irresponsible children who 'just want to have fun'.

However shows like these are only produced because writers feel that many teens can 'connect' to these sort of things e.g drug abuse and sexually out of control behavior.

Teens aren't usually like this in reality and to lean away from the stereotypical way they are portrayed in the media.For example black teen boys are usually associated with knife crime and gang related incidents on the news.Because of the news, people now dont stop to think of other issues that could be contributing to these small group of teens on the news.

Monday 17 September 2012

explain the role played by media in the construction of collective idenitity.? esssay
explain the role played by media in the construction of collective idenitity.? essaay question


In what ways will your media product use, develope or challenge forms and conventions forms and convections of real media products?

It will challenge media forms by experiementing on different types of horror (which is my genre) and i will try and branch out to do different types .

how will you ensure that the combination of your main prodcut and ancillary texts are effective. 

 what kind of audience feedback will you seek for your product and what things might you learn this ?

how will use media technologies in the contruction and research, planning and evaluation ?

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Preparations for media project

Teenage obsession: trailer

The concept of my media project (film) has been looked over many times and over the summer of began thinking about the ways in which i will make this project much more different than the last.

As i am now planning on working alone my film isn't going to be too extravagant or  too unrealistic as were my previous ideas before.My film idea is about ideology that is seen in many institutions and aspects of life and this theme is horror.
In many ways horror can be defined, i have valued that this type of genre is challenging as comedy, because 

some people may find the film funny or not.As with horror there may be some viewers of the trailer would find it scary and some that would find the trailer mild .

My film trailer creates many dynamics through the different sorts of ways it can pull the sudience into an intriuging and promising storline and this will be acheived through the various other technique features such as lighting, camera angles and sound.

Film idea (short)
I believe that shortly summariesing a storyline for a trailor is very helpful because it allows both the creater and the viewer gather some understanding of what is going on .

My story is about a young girl in year 10,She has the trusty group of friends and a very seemingly comfortable life, however the story takes a horrid turn as this young school girl isnt what she has made everyone believe .She is mentally unstable and is a serial killer outside of school , wearing a mask to hide her identity so that she remains to be seen as (innocent) the story revolves around the mystery that surrounds her and when or whether anyone will truely find out who she is .This movie has a cold drifty and errie sense to it and it fits the mood perfectly as i want the audience to feel on edge and unsafe as though they were in her friends position .
As i am i very big fan of murder mysteries, i think i will enjoy this because it's my area of interest and from watching alot of trailers in this notion, i can safely say that this trailer will be different from others.

While creating the film i am planning on getting some crops for the main actress to make the trailer seem more and more believable and then forth making it more enjoyable and scary to watch.

More over, i am planning on filming part of the trailer in the this school and in the woods ( to show the dark and deeper side of this teenage girls obsession .Ths will also help me because i wont have much trouble with location and it would be more easier on me in terms of getting some larger equipment half way across the school.

at the beginging of the trailer i am going to show a blackout , and the  a slow fade in  of the girl with her friends having fun and it will evedently seem as though the main character is very liked amongst her friends.After that i am going to show the main girl Jean, looking looking at a dirty mirror and she has blood on her hands, her friend walks in and she gets shocked but Jean reassures her that it's only a cut.As the girl goes out of the bathroom, Jean looks at the knife with a crazy look and hides it in her bag.Further on , the story leads on to to jean running in the woods with a mask and a hoody and she captures one girl and stabs her violently, she trags the body to the side.After, Jean looks at her phone and she seems to be late for something, her friends day out, she rushes and doesnt notice what she is wearing, she heads out and meets them and seems almost transformed into a fun normal girl .Jean is then seen in clipits pacing back and forth around her place wear she hides all the murder victims , she has pictures all of the wall of each one of them, her one captive thats sitting in the chair hands tied asks why are you doing this, and Jean says 'because there my friends and no one will get in between them !" the camera rolls on to the victim and she screams and the camera comes into her mouth almost like a black hole .

Friday 29 June 2012

my film idea

My film is about a young girl who lives in an orphanage in a small town that not much people know, she has been told all her life that her parents died when she was only a day old but as (Cathy the main character ) starts to ask some questions about who her parents were and how they died she begins to learn that the orphanage really isn't an orphanage and is a see that the orphanage is actually a protection institution were parents send children who have risk of being hunted down by assassins because their parents are on the run.Cathy turns sixteen and is allowed to finally have a day out with the supervision of the head of orphanage with the other orphans .When  she goes out with the group of girls and boys from the orphanage she decides to spilt from the group and have fun in the city without anyone watching.
a man notices her (russian) and looks at the picture in his wallet and notices it's the baby they were looking for, as she bares some striking resemblance to her mother who really isn't dead just on the run with her husband because they hold information on a drug lord (mafia). They threatened the two parents , saying they would kill there first born if they ever find her/him.So the parents sent there baby girl to a protection place were she wouldn't ever be found and gave her new name .

The russian men who have been hunting Cathy have finally found her and are now hunting her down , the orphanage has all scattered after the shooting and that went on because the search for Cathy got very violent as the russian men raced to search for cathy but a woman who works in the orphanage toke Cathy into a training institution that her parents wanted to send her if anything like this should happen .at night Cathy runs off from the training place with another girl who got sent there because she doesn't trust anyone.But the girl ends up being a traitor and leads her straight to the criminals, Cathy loads up on guns and plans on killing them but her plan fails miserably and she gets taken to russia were there is camp they take teenage fugitives , Cathy spends a horrible month were her boyfriend dies in the camp because he was sticking up for her, Cathie's life takes horrible turns and as they were getting ready execute her for trying to escape for the 20th time, in there until she learns a lot more than she bargained for.cathy learns that her parents were not the victims at the end and that this whole thing was a dream, she has been in a Colma for 3 years and that she was actually 19 and has a mother and father perfectly normal.However she refuses to believe that she was in a Colma and finds out that she was in a mental institution because she was convinced that all of that happened to her, but Cathy is stuck 


Tuesday 26 June 2012

if i do a trailer

i chose this film trailer because i think that the movie behind it was told very well and the narrative it something everyone kind understand .I have watched this movie a number of times and i must say that it one exceptional film and is credited through the brilliant camera work and diverse characters .I could only dream of making something like this with the assisted resource but if i were to make something similiar to this i would show i girl, who is out into the wild (possibly the woods for me ) and who has thrown away everything in order to live a life without boundaries of controlled society, i think the aspects of this story line is very intriguing as it is one that i personally would love to do , given the opportunity to because i love the aspect of time and money not being  an issue, just living in the moment .


This next film trailer is one of my favourite movies and i think that it was very uniquely made with right amount of craziness to it.I also think that this movie is something very close to what i would make when i'm making a film trailer .this film is one of the most underrated movies that i know and is one that would takes apart the typical movie genre of crazed people, it is a movie trailer to make you think, although this film isn't for everybody, i generally think this film is structured to make you think outside of the box of what we know from drug problems and addictions as it shows a range of different people with addiction problems that lead to mental illness and i for one would like to expand on that.

if i do a music video

If i were to do a music video i would use this song because i feel that this song is very useable in terms of creativity and what you could do with it.This music (Iron and whine) the boy with the coin is unique and different sort of exotic, i've admired this music for a very long time and i feel like this is the kind of music that speaks to you and allows your mind to kind of go on a journey of endless imagination .I also used this music when i was temporary tutoring my friend with columbian dance, and i felt that this is music that will never age and could be used well.With good choreography i believe this could assist to make an amazing music video and on many aspects.i feel like this music is very artistic and atmospheric which is the type of music that speaks to me the most and that is why i would choose .This music video would stat

On this next music ,is from my all time favourite 90s artist kristen barry, and i have to say that this music is one of the very rare tracks that actually takes apart my mind in order to deduct imagination in it's raw form.I feel like although this isn't really popular it draws you in  only more, i feel that this music is hauntingly out of control , and is the type of music that you could do many things with.If i were to make a music video with this track in the beginning i would show a girl on the ground with white torn clothes and she is smudging the black make up of her eyes and the black lipstick and is being held down by people in masks and white suits , there coming to take her away because her insanity is contagious, so they dance towards her she dances away kind of like contemporary artists dance , she then finds a place in the woods under a willow tree and she finds people that are (freaks of nature) in the eyes of the world because there deformed , they are dying for daylight and so  she breaks the barrier for them and risks getting caught so she can help them experience the sun for the first time in there life.she is then held down only to be looked at dead in the eye , to be let an animal.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

The questions :)

My first choice would be to do a film trailor because i feel that i have experience in that since i do some film trailor s of my own for fun  in the past.I have alot  of ideas on what i should for a film trailor and many other creative aspects i'd like to put forth.

film trailors like this would be more similiar to what approach my film trailor would take
This is one of my favourite short films and i think that most if not all of my style of potential film making is captured within this film trailor.If i were to make a film trailor it would be be more similiar to this one as its more alluring and questioning which i like alot

The next film trailor is my the same director, Spike Jones and as you can see most of his  particular 'arthouse' genre is captured here .Alos if i were to do a film trailor i would do one like this because i feel that it captures alot of atmospheric moments within one minuet and so i think that this director would be very very similiar to something i would do.

If i were to do a music video as my second choice i would go along the lines of something this
This is a dance based video which i think is very ecentric and alluring because it captures the essence of what dance should be, and if i were to do a music video it would be somehwere along these lines .

This would be the music that i would love to use within the music video because it really channels the imagination that i have to a music video.this music is very different and not what most would listen to but it does have alot to offer in terms of imagination because there is alot of things you could think up for this , i personlly would do a contempary dance routine in the forest with a lead singer .

Monday 18 June 2012

i have chosen to do a film trailor because i think that a person can create alot of different meanings to a film just by its outline.Doing a film a trailor is something new and different and would be much more to my suiting since its something im use to doing anyway.

My second choice is a making a documentary becaues i feel that there is alot of topics that i would love to explore within any community.

two of the 6 case studies i would like to explore is we media and democracy and media and collective identity.

Friday 23 March 2012


marketing for contraband !

distributor for contraband : Universal pictures 

marketing for contraband : Trailers on websites and social networks

I think that the marketing strategy for contraband was really affective because it helps get the film out and noticed by the public .
Contraband targets mainly men and possibly women of 18 and over.
New media technology is used to promote the film in these ways :
(I phone) apps have been dedicated to new films and contraband has come up there a few times .Also, contraband has it's own Facebook page which people could then 'like'.This is affective because it gets notification and more awareness.
More NMT: laptops, i pad apps ...ect.... 

Friday 2 March 2012

story idea :loosing grip

this film idea is about a girl who has has experienced loosing all her friends to a house fire at a birthday party for her,but there was someone there that night whom she thought looked suspicious , but strangely no one seems to remember him, at all.As Blake tries to over come with the strong memories, of that night she finds herself in a much more dangerous situation.  as she gets mysterious texts and phone calls from the same guy at the party that know one remembers clearly as he was dresses quiet darkly.He probes the idea that Blake was involved in that house fire, trying to set her up. 

post-scene : we will be an off distance shot of the train lights on the highway,the camera is spinning in a circle after concentrating at a tree in the moonlight, it will look gloomy and almost dreamy ,the narrator comes in,for a few moments and then voices off.

 scene one : the girl is sitting in her bedroom and she is reading a book ,she looks calm ,and then she gets up to look at a birthday present that her parents gave her that evening, she then stares at it for a while and gets up to leave the room.

scene two: the girl is then seen coming out of the steps of her house and slowly walking out towards the lake she gets a text which says 'you know ,its never good to stand near the woods alone, she then puts a weird face on and dismisses it,shaking her head  she walks further into the lake and then she gets another text saying 'you know, its not really good to keep secrets ...specially when i know them. she then looks worried ,as she see's something in the water ...drifting...she picks it up and it says 'i know what really happened at the house fire' she looks shocked and terrified and she drops it and falls to the ground ,she gets back up and picks her bag up and runs .

Friday 20 January 2012

This film is a drama and we see this from the fact that it is about politics and power.i saw this from the dramatic scenes in the film .

this film is also a drama because it is a documentary kind  of thing, and distributes scenes into someones life, or what they had as there life .i saw this from the emotional scenes in the film .

this film  is a drama and we see this because it is usually focused around that genre in the trailro with all the emotion of the characters .

This then tells us that film 4 sepcifically ,if not always draws towards the genre drama .and most of there films are ditsributed that way .